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Our Services Include:

  • Multi-Specialty Independent Medical Examinations

  • Diagnostic Film Reviews

  • Review & Analysis of Medical Records

  • Fitness for Duty Evaluations

  • Neuropsychological Evaluations

  • Functional Capacity Evaluations

  • Vocational Assessments


  • ​Medical Record Reviews

  • Life Care

  • Peer/Utilization Reviews

  • Depositions

  • Expert Testimony

  • Medical Bill Auditing & Repricing
  • Medical-Legal Consulting

Service Features:

  • IME’s on-site in our offices conveniently located in Philadelphia

  • Specialists are properly credentialed, licensed, boarded and in active practice

  • Geographical IME’s scheduled in offices of our over 4,500 national providers

  • Request a service via telephone, facsimile, e-mail or our website

  • Non-Medical experts in diverse specialties

  • Appointment notification letters to all parties

  • Review and organization of medical records for the specialist

  • Appointment reminder calls to reduce late cancellations and no show

  • Appointment confirmation to specialist

  • Verbal reports upon request

  • Quality Assurance review of every report

  • Reports available within 10 days or as needed

  • Translation service available

  • Transportation service available

  • Rush requests welcome

  • Customized procedures and reports

© 2022 by Prizm Medical Resources, Ltd.

1528 Walnut Street, Suite 1804, Philadelphia, PA 19102

Tel: 855-239-5138

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